Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Do Not Create Problems For Myself

My first introduction to Eckhart Tolle was when Oprah started the sessions for "A New Earth." I read the book, I followed the series, but it didn't really hit home. The concepts made sense and I understood the words but the meaning didn't take hold until later in the same year.

As I was listening to a Podcast of a show one night and I remember Oprah asking him, "... you don't have any issues? You don't have any problems? Not a one?" Eckhart's response was, "(pause)... I do not create any problems for myself." Ever since that night, his response has stuck with me. How do you do that? What is the process in which you do not create any problems for yourself?

There are so many ways that we create problems for ourselves. The trap that I find myself falling into is wanting things to be different than they are. Interestingly enough this is one of the things that my employers have valued about me. This way of thinking has been praised and fostered through years of post-graduate employment. Man, does this get me into trouble in my personal life. Exasperating the problem-generator is my tenacity to find a solution... looking at every angle... the thought that there has to be a way.

After I read "A New Earth" I picked up "The Power of Now." At the same time I was going through Yoga Teacher Training and learning the Eight Limbs of Yoga. The underlying concept of each is being in this moment... HERE... NOW... and dealing with the situation with basic principles of conduct; the first of which is Do No Harm.

When I start to solve a problem, it is important to understand and accept the present situation. Once the problem is identified, the search for a better or different way begins. This is a good life skill to have. However, balance is necessary to not generate any problems while attempting to solve the first one.

In my work environment I have figured out that I can cultivate this skill without a problem as long as I do not attach myself to an end result. In my personal life I need to apply the same balance. Between wanting things to be different than they are then attaching to an end result the only outcome can be problems... and many of them. They multiply!!

In my personal life accepting what is remains the key. Recently I have been wanting to change a situation. It involved schedules and location - neither of which were working out for my end goal. My end goal, by the way, which I had become completely attached. My tenacity kicked in... I was going to make this work! I problem solved the heck out of the situation. I analyzed it, turned it inside out, shoved it upside down, took it apart and put it back together again. I even attempted to talk it to death. Unfortunately the end result remained the same.

This created a problem for me. I generated it, fostered it, breathed life into it... a living, breathing problem. It finally exploded when, exasperated, I realized that it just wasn't going to work. Nothing that I could do, think, or will into place would make the situation any different than it was. The vision that I had created in my mind was not going to happen. Simply, I had failed... and generated a very large, oozing, problem along with the failure.

Lesson learned: accept the present moment as it is and be grateful for it. This moment comes around only once - take it in. There are NO problems in the present moment. There is nothing to solve, nothing to fix, nothing to change. The present moment is perfect.

Eckhart does not create problems for himself because he cultivates his practice of being in the moment. Within the moment he applies the appropriate principle. With every thought, word, and action he applies the appropriate principle. He does not want for anything different and knows that he already has what he needs to be successful.

So, what do I need to do now? Apply the principle of forgiveness... to myself. Accept the moment and situation as it is. Then let my "failure" go. We must fail many times over before we finally succeed... and what I really need to realize is... I am already successful!! What I wanted in the first place... I already had!

1 comment:

  1. My Yoga teacher Dar says, "Forgive yourself for everything."
